Scaffolding Grade Level Learning for Struggling Students v.2 provides teachers with skills to design effective instruction for all students - not by creating multiple versions of their instruction - but by including strategies that provide access to grade-level standards.
--We love this complete guide for implementing research-based strategies, most effective with at-risk learners!
Scaffolding Grade Level Learning for Struggling Students is a model for organizing and designing instruction with specific strategies for achieving grade-level standards. Specific strategies and activities are provided to address the issues that at-risk learners bring to the school environment such as student engagement, challenging content-level texts, and deficits in vocabulary, lack of background knowledge, and the academic problems associated with attention, memory, and processing differences.
Scaffolding Grade Level Learning for Struggling Students provides teachers with skills to design effective instruction for all students - not by creating multiple versions of their instruction - but by including strategies that provide access to grade-level standards. Scaffolding typically provides a 16-25% gain in core content on state and nationally-normed tests.
This book is a great companion to How to Support Struggling Students.